Thursday, June 26, 2008

Einstein continued

I just answered a question on Yahoo answers, so I am providing a bit more detail here. Our puppy is about 16 weeks old now, house trained (he stands next to the door and looks at us when he needs to go out) and is all around just a great dog. Easily trainable, listens to commands, great with little kids. Probably the worst thing, if you could call it that, is he is too friendly with strangers. He'll go up to anyone, or any other dog, and just start sniffing. He's getting a fence. Malteagles, being part hound, have a ton of wanderlust, and sometimes are unaware that they are so far away from home, when all they have been doing is just following their nose. Pictures to come!

1 comment:

Jen said...

hi - just found your blog.. you probably aren't blogging anymore but I have a beagle/bichon (or so i was told) mix that looks a lot like your einstein. I wondered if you have an adult pic?
